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Record a Time Travel trace by attaching to a process


  1. Download the file from and extract it to C:\ttd or any other path of your choice.

  2. Depending on your operating system type, double-click TTTracer.exe from the directory listed below. A CMD window will pop up. Please read the EULA.txt as prompted and type Y then hit Enter to accept the End-user License Agreement.

    • For 32-bit systems: C:\ttd\x86
    • For 64-bit systems: C:\ttd\amd64
    • For ARM64 systems: C:\ttd\arm64

    Note: If you have extracted the file to a different directory, replace C:\ttd with your actual extraction path.

Main steps

  1. Run CMD as an administrator. Based on your operating system type, change directory (CD) to the following paths:

    • For 32-bit systems: C:\ttd\x86
    • For 64-bit systems: C:\ttd\amd64
    • For ARM64 systems: C:\ttd\arm64

    Note: If you have extracted the file to a different directory, replace C:\ttd with your actual extraction path.

  2. Execute the following command to attach TTD to the target process and start recording the time travel trace. You need to replace <PID> with the actual PID of the target process. For example, if the process you want to record the trace of is notepad.exe and its PID is 3232, the actual command you need to execute would be: tttracer.exe -dumpfull -attach 3232.

    tttracer.exe -dumpfull -attach <PID>
  3. After executing the command, TTD will need some time to attach to the process and start recording the trace. This may take some time, depending on the memory usage of the target process.

  4. Once TTD is successfully attached, you will see a small window in the upper left corner of the screen. The title of this window will display as Process Name + Number + .run. This is the final filename of the Time Travel trace that is currently being recorded. During the Time Travel recording process, the overall performance of the process will slow down, which is normal.

  5. Perform any operations in the target process that you want TTD to record.

End steps

  1. When you want to end the Time Travel recording, untick the checkbox next to Tracing On in the small window at the upper left corner. The Time Travel trace will be saved in the directory where tttracer.exe is currently executed by default. You can find the full path of this trace in the CMD where the command is executed.